Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Liquid Soap Production Simplified

Detergent can be formulated so that it turns to liquid form. The object of cleansing and the mechanism  of action of the liquid detergent remains essentially the same like the solid or powder types.
The base of the product is water. The amount of water required for a given volume of detergent is relatively high. Good enough to highlight is that a dependable source of water supply is of great importance at the production site.
a. CAUSTIC SODA: The solid pearls or pellets are needed here.
b  SODIUM SILICATE: This serves as grease or lubricating agent in the detergent.  It also functions as the shining and building agent. It therefore plays a very important role in soap detergent with special regard to liquid detergent. 
c. SODIUM LAURYL SULPHATE: This is the foaming  agent. This is obtained by reacting laurryl alcohol with sodium hydroxide and then treating the resulting product with sulphonic acid. It exists in solid and liquid forms. The liquid type is strongly recommended for liquid soap production. It adds to the glossy effect of the soap and makes it retain its liquid silky and viscous nature.
d. SULPHONIC ACID: This is a black viscous liquid which plays a prominent role in the detergent. Its function is to furnish the sulphonate group which imparts solubility on the detergent and it is regarded as a foaming agent which reacts with caustic soda to generate sponification during the formation of the product.
e.  FORMALDEHYDE FORMALIN: This exists in liquid form. It product is as a biocide. This guarantees the quality of the product during storage. It is therefore regarded as a preservation agent. It is also called formalin.
f.  STPP: This is sodium tripoly phosphate and is a building agent which ensures that the product does not deteriorate in quality and helps in the building up the formation.
g. SODIUM NITRATE: This exists as white solid powder. It functions as a builder agent. This helps to bring about the good chemical union between the component chemicals. It gives weight to the product and has the ability to rise when it comes in contact with liquid solution.
h. COLORANT: That which meets the standard as chosen by manufacturer. Water soluble dye is recommended.  
i. PERFUME: Various types are available e.g. Citronella, rose etc. Industrial perfumes are recommended in liquid detergent.

CHEMICALS                                                MEASUREMENT 
Caustic soda pearls       ---------                                     1 spoon
Sodium Lauryle sulphate -------                                      1 cup
Soda Ash         ---------------------                                    1 cup
Sulphonic acid   ------------------                                      2 cup
Formalin           ---------------------                                    1 teaspoon
Pac-R              ---------------------                                      2 cups
Texapon           ---------------------                                    2cups
Water               ---------------------                                    4 litres
Perfume            ---------------------                                    to taste
Colorant           ---------------------                                     to taste

Clean the mixer very well along with other apparatus and measure the required quantity of water needed for the production. Before this time, you are expected to have fermented the Soda Ash for at least 12 to 48 hours with about half of the expected water ratio for the production. Note also that you are supposed to properly stir/mix the fermented Soda Ash solution periodically.
Having settled with the above instructions, measure the required quantity caustic soda into the mixer containing the remaining parts of the water and stir to dissolve the pearls. This mixture is expected to generate heat. Then add Sulphoric acid slowly and stir vigorously until homogenous solution results. Check the PH of the solution with PH Paper (the PH must lie between 7 and 8).
Then follow it with the Pac-R continue to stir to enable the chemical to dissolve and mix up the solution properly. Then add your silicate and formalin, stir vigorously.
Now transfer the fermented Sodium lauryl sulphate into the mixer containing solution becoming glossy and viscous. Finally measure the required Texapon into the solution and stir to dissolve and to mix up properly with the solution. Add your perfume while still stirring. Stir for 10 to 20minutes. Leave in a beaker for 24hours to dissolve the solution and fill the product into the containers and carton for sales.

Note that liquid detergent making is a lucrative business but one must make sure there is availability of water and must have a standard mixer to enable proper formation. The PH of the product must lie between 7 and 8 it must be a clear viscous solution.

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